Jillian Hintz

so glad you're here.

Senior Portrait

Who am I?


What sets me apart?

Black and White

Let's Connect!

Who am I?

A first-year student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I am a current double major in AD/PR and Political Science. Although UNC doesn’t have an explicit pre-law track, I’m hoping to go to law school after my undergraduate career. Outside of academics I joined an Ultimate Frisbee playing team to stay in shape and make some friends. I love working out, writing, and hanging out with friends.

Brick Wall

What sets me apart?

I've continually challenged myself to aim higher; it's what allowed me to graduate high school with a 4.62 weighted GPA, Student Body President, and a 3rd degree blackbelt in martials arts.
The phrase 'Practice makes better' has resonated within me since the first time I heard it. Repetition drives experience drives success is something I like to live by.
When I believe something is worth pursuing, I finish it. This commitment pushed me to oversee my high schools first pep rallies, join oranizations that reflect my beliefs, and stay motivated.

Let's Connect